Wednesday, June 30, 2010
ok.x mau ckp bnyak,,satu lg team aq lepas ok,erk? team aq?bile aq beli ngara tu?hahaha..ok2,,david villa tlah berjya mmbwa psukan bf aq ni ke klykan strusnya
,,ngeh3,,caya la!!so,,gudbye cencerit ronaldo,,keh2,,,,
ok,,gambar torres msti diselitkn jgak,,kah3,,wpn villa yg mntap itu yg bnyk try,,hehe tp yg x best jgk bila jepun x lepas,,wpn jpn bkn team pilihan,,tapi jpun je la ngra asia yg tnggal yg leh nk bngga,,xpe2,,dorng kalah ngan penalti,,,n dorng men pun dah mcm nk mati.,,2 jam beb atas pdng,,nsib x mnyblahi la tu,,4 taun lg leh cba,,hehe,,sekian
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Gotta Be Somebody
This time, I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of
But dreams just aren’t enough
So I’ll be waiting for the real thing, I’ll know it by the feeling
The moment when we’re meeting, will play out like a scene
Straight off the silver screen
So I’ll be holding my own breath, right up ’til the end
Until that moment when, I find the one that I’ll spend forever with
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There’s gotta be somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own
And everyone wants to know the night alone
There’s somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There’s gotta be somebody for me out there
Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight
And dammit this means too right, it’s just like deja vu
Me standing here with you
So I’ll be holding my own breath, could this be the end
Is it that moment when, I find the one that I’ll spend forever with
You can’t give up, looking for a (diamond did erupts??)
The wind shows up, make sure you’re holding on
Cause it could be the one, the one you’re waiting on
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There’s gotta be somebody for me, oh
Nobody wants to do it all on their own
And everyone wants to know the night alone
There’s somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There’s gotta be somebody for me out there
Nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
There’s somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There’s gotta be somebody for me out there
p/s: y some words r being highlight??,,,hahahaha
Monday, June 28, 2010
10++ Tickets to England!!
German menang siottt..hahaha,,4-1 plak tu,,aq bajet menang 2-1 je,,x pun penalti,,haha,,yes3!! so England can say gudbye to South Africa,,ngeh3,,,
dan yg pling penting,,,cba teka,,cba teka,,*apsal gedik mcm siot ni?hahaha* ok stop dgn gedik anda. hahaha,,x de r,,nk gtau,,1st goal klose yg buat ok.hahaha,,x de pe nk ckp da,,GERMAN MENANG.full stop,,,,daa~
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Cooking Time
1 tin susu cair (nak sedap gna Ideal)
8 biji telur(gred D/E)
tepung gndum
- cmpurkan satu tin susu bersama dgn 8 biji telur n secawan gula
- kacau smpai sebati a.k.a gula tu smua larut n cmpurkan sdkit tpung,,hjung sdu pun da ckup,,hehe
- tggalkan aduan tu,,then buat plak gula hangus,,ambik lg secwan gula,,then kacau dlm periuk,,smpai gula tu cair...CAUTION:gula hndaklah sntiasa dikacau spya tdak hangit,,
- masukkan susu n telur td ke dlm gula yg cair itu
- lastly masukkn loyang o periuk tu dlm periuk kukus..
tadaa,,,ala2 gnung berapi meltus gtu,,haha
nmpk je mcm hncus,,tp rasa sgt sedapp ok..haha,,salah satu sbb jd mcm ni ialah krna skit sgtltak tpung,,ada orng x ltak lngsng,,ikut ctrsa masing2,,coz tpung ni juz nak bg dia keras skit,,tu je fgsi dia,,hehe,,sape2 rasa terliur boleh la tepon sy utk mnmpah ye,,hahaha..slmat mncuba,,,daa
Krisis France...Kemenangan Spain
A picture taken yesterday in Paris shows the front page of some French daily newspapers denouncing the French team’s refusal to train in South Africa. — AFP picture
Monday, June 21, 2010
jersi German..
Sunday, June 13, 2010
2.30 a.m
to see n meet my bf
he said to me,,4 years he's waiting diz moment
n now,,here its come,,
i also really excited to see him tday
b4 diz juz sometimes can meet him
but in diz 1 month++..
i'll will support u..
i knoe u can be da best
we hve been tgthr for 8 years,,
so, i'll always besides u,,
my miroslav klose...
x sbar lol,,german pnya 1st game jap lg,,
ney adlh slh stu acra yg aq isi utk mnggu waktu itu
world cup 2010 akn ditakhtakn to german,,hehe
pasukan plhan stiap kali world cup tba mngikut rating aq:
1: German
2: France
3: Italy
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Essential Tips How to Build SELF CONFIDENCE
*y diz entry speaking plak ney?haha*it's must bcoz juz finished read english nvel+wtch eng mvie..haha
ok lets know some tips n easy steps to build diz kind of spirit,,
1...Face ur fear- We can't deny da fact dat shaking of da kness is one of the prove dat show u all
is ketaq n takottt,,haha,,but,,juz be curious n realize dat fear is often based on
unhelpful interpretation.
2. Prepare- “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self- confidence is preparation.”- Arthur Ashe.
Ok,,its juz simple to undrstand as when u know nothing of wat u r about to do or to talk,,its very easy to get lost in vague,,foggy fear,,n etc,,,so,,early prepare will make u feel mre cmfrtable n cnfident bcoz evrthing is on ur mind.
3. Realize dat failure or being wrong will not kill u,,haha-“I quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn’t fall down.”-Allen H.Neuharth
Juz learn, gain experience n become stronger give chances of succeding increases..n remember, the world doesn’t revolve around u. u may like to think so. But it doesn’t. People really don’t care that much about what u do. They have their own life, problems n worries dat da world revolves around them to focus on. They don’t think that much about you or are constantly monitoring what you do wrong or when you fail.
so,get to know ourself better..go exploring n face all da fears...gud luck:)
Friday, June 11, 2010
Israel Laknatullah!!!!
if rajin boleh la ke link ini n tau mcm mana keadaan swaktu kpl di twan,,,
hope one day peace will come to our world...:) amin
Alkisah hari kenduri,,Part 4
nak lg tengok pic? x pyah la,,sikit2 sudey,,nnti orng ckp nak show off plak,,hoho,,maka,,itu la serba skit hkyat yg beta nak kngsikan,,hik2,,ape2 pun,,slmat pgntin baru to my sis,,,smga berkekalan hngga akhr hyat,,amin,,,,da jd is3 orng da awk,,,,,next post wil be da new stry,,hehe,,,
till then,,,,,,,,,
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Alkisah hari kenduri,,Part 3
hehe,,msti nak selit aq hujung2 pic,,haha,,tp dress aq tu a.k.a jbah la jgk kan,,mnmpkkan aq agak gemm-- di stu,,hahaha but its ok,,my mom da bli,,pakai jo,, after abes mlm tu around pkul 12 lbey la jgak,,aq smbung la jgk lg skit keje2 aq mmpcking gddies bag,,utk famly n kwan2 my sis n spcial guest my dad,,huhu,,so ini yg tlh dpckng..
nak cte skit alkisah cawan ney,,sblan b4 knduri aq n akk aq dok la pk ape yg best to gift to fam n her frenz coz usually people akn bg one thng yg spcial,,so mnda ney ktorng jmpe 1 week b4 ary knduri,,aftr puas pk n fnd at intrnet,,x tau nak bg pe,,last2,,we found it at smua house,jln TAR..dgn hrga yg sgt murah act *not expcted wit da prce yg st mrah*,,ktorng pun wat dcsion nak angkut bnda tu around 300 cup,,haha,,n korng juz bygn mcm mne krta with kotak besr yg brat itu,,nsib baik kdai tu ade srvce anta ke krta coz x dapek eyy aq ngan akk aq nak angkat berdua,,haha nk ckp aq rjin *aq yg ikat reben tu*,,hahahaha,,,my sis n aq sgt la brpuas aty ngan doorgft ney coz bg ktrng cntik la tu,,nak beli yg mhal2 bnkrupt la,,haha,,n luckly,,gift utk phak lelaki my aunty da sponsor,,alhamdulillah,,,x perlu nk pk2 da,,hehe...rasanya jari aq da bg hint suh tamatkan ksah part 3 coz nak cta plak utk final part nnti,,hehe,,c u,,daaa
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Alkisah hari kenduri,,Part 2
so,,ney la kmar beradu bg rja shri nnti,,haha,,ok aq smbung my story,,keesokan nya iaitu ary jmmat= 28 mei 10,,,ley dktakan pre knduri da kat my house coz pg tu ada mjlis aqiqah,,oppss,,bkn aqiqah adik aq,,tdak jga anak saudra aq,,ianya adlh ank my father's fren,,they all kra mcm alang2 my fther nak wat knduri kan...lgpun ptg tu my sis da nak akad pnymblihan *tdak tahu lokasi sbnr yg pasti tdak di area rmah sy* aktvti menyiang dging n memasak dgng sbgai lauk utk knduri doa slmat tgh hri tu n jgk tuk mkn after mjlis nkah nnti,,,aq difhamkn,,daging aqiqah ney hnya boleh dimakn oleh muslim shja,,so,,all da lauk dging msti dhbiskan n x boley dgnakan utk lau dgng pd ari knduri nnti coz ary knduri nnti ade guest indian chnsee n ptng tu,,klibut2 la kan bersiap coz akk nikah after solat asar,,,sape yg klibut?ehemmm,,,of corse la weddng plnner,,hahaha,,so,,ptng tu selamat la my sis diijabkabulkan,,heheh,,nervous gak aq nengok pngtin,,ahha...
ntah sape la yg tersengih tepi tu,,haha,,mcm bnyk plak aq sa bebel sorng2 kan,,so,,next time stry lg coz mata pun mcm da jerit2 ckp ngantuk,,hik2,,to be continue,,ngeh3